#BlueWeddingsweekly : Finding your person in a friendship that has blossomed over the years is one of the greatest gifts in life.
How it all Started – According to the Bride – Opeyemi
They met in school,they were coursemate, and were a very good friend, although he has for long had his eyes on her , ope said she totally ignored the signs. They graduated together, and were still cool and in talking terms. Talking about destiny, they both served together,the same state but different batches
Fast forward 2020, she wrote by faith her wedding year by faith and with no plans yet, and zero knowledge of what the pregnant future might birth, she kept the notes in her phone.

She added that even till 2021, he increased his pressure on her, disturbing her for a chance, and finally she gave him a chance and that simple ” yes ” has yielded the beautiful Union they have .
Following the answered prayers, the love birds are giving us all the feels with their traditional wedding photos and we are loving every ounce of it.

Great chemistry I must say. Congratulations and God bless your Home.