BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Cholera – Causes, Symptoms,  and Treatment.

Cholera is an intense diarrhoeal disease brought about by eating or drinking food or water that is debased with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Cholera stays a worldwide danger to general wellbeing and is a sign of imbalance and absence of social turn of events. Scientists have assessed that each year, there are 1.3 to 4.0 […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Tomato Scrambled Eggs with Boiled Yam.

Tomato Scrambled Eggs with Boiled Yam is a very nice and easy to make daily morning meal. It is delicious all thanks to the freshness of the tomato and the vibrant red color it adds to the eggs goodness. Not also forgetting to mention the green specks of nutrients the spring onion brings , just […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Breakfast – Ideas, Recipes, Preparation.

Breakfast – Absolutely the first and compulsory meal of the day . Breakfast are easy to prepare, not time consuming, they are filling, and will help to hold your appetite till it’s lunch time. Breakfast come in different categories :- Breakfast sandwiches Grab-and-go breakfast Sweetened breakfast Bread recipes Egg recipes Breakfast Sandwiches :- think of […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food


Diphtheria is a contagious and Deadly strain of bacteria infection that greatly affects the mucous membrane of the Nose and Throat. PARTS OF THE BODY AFFECTED Nose Throat Skin SYMPTOMS OF DIPHTERIA This is solely dependent on the body part that is affected. People who are exposed to diphtheria usually start having symptoms in 2–5 […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Carrot Ginger Soup Recipe.

Carrot Ginger soup is most suitable for chill and cold weather. The soup is hearty, with the spice of ginger and creaminess of coconut. Ingredients Carrots, [peeled and chopped] Vegetable oil 1 large onion, 3 cloves of garlic, diced, minced or pressed 2 tablespoons grated fresh or frozen ginger Salt and pepper to taste 5 […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Microwave Appliances and How to get rid of Cockroach Infestation.

A microwave is a kitchen appliance used to heat up meals after they must have gone cold or frozen. Most times, users of such appliance can forget to clean, and this helps bacteria to build up, and thus leaving behind strong indoor environmental smell. Although cleaning depends on the frequency of use, Cleaning it once […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Pumpkin Muffin Easy Baking Method.

Pumpkin Muffin is an everyday delight due to the fact that pumpkin contains well known vitamins – vitamin A and C, and each of these Vitamins have important roles they play in the body. Vitamin A is perfect for the eyes as it helps to slow down and prevent macular degeneration & cataracts , while […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Yam and Unripe Plantain Porridge

Yam and Unripe Plantain Porridge – recipe can be prepared in different ways, using different methods. Below is a nutritious way of Preparing it . Ingredients Yam Crayfish Scent leave Fresh tomatoes Dried pepper Fish ( ice , smoked ) Palm oil Onion Maggi Unripe Plantain Scent leave ( ncheonwu) Pumpkin leave Preparation : The […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

AY4.2 Delta Strain – What You Need to Know.

The new AY4.2 delta strain is the latest from the Covid-19 delta variant descendant, and has been linked to the recent number of growing cases across the globe. Of all the known variant of SARS-CoV-2 , The Delta variant remains the supreme strain in some countries [ e.g. the United Kingdom ]. Research has revealed […]

BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

Egusi Soup

Egusi Soup popularly called melon soup can be prepared in variety of ways – International ,local or traditionally. We have the high budget method and the low budget method of preparation. The main difference between both methods, is in the assemblage of ingredients. High budget : Of course with the term ” high”, It signifies […]