
Building a Future: Men, Marriage, and Money Smart$ -Cosmas Maduka

Cosmas Maduka, the head of Coscharis Group, emphasized the significance of finances in a marriage and asserted that a man ought to possess certain prerequisites before entering matrimony.

During his appearance on the Mic On podcast,

the host, Seun Okinbaloye, noted that numerous women demand that men earning below a specific monthly income and lacking vehicles should not approach them. He inquired of Cosmas what his thoughts on that are.

Mr. Maduka replied:

“Seun, it’s about striking a balance, because that holds weight as well.

“Some women hastily gravitate toward a man simply because he declares, ‘I want to marry you. I care for you.’ But can you really survive on affection?”

“I advised the women, I say, ‘if you choose to wed a man who is unemployed because he prays in the spirit, you’re lacking discernment.’

“I do not advocate for women to unite with a man who lacks direction in his life.

“The first criterion I mentioned is that he should minimally have a two or three-bedroom residence where he resides. He must disclose his monthly income to you. You won’t be relying on faith alone with her.”

He further explained that when he was prepared for marriage, he did not move his wife into his parents’ home; instead, he secured a three-bedroom residence because he understood he had intentions to marry.

“That’s part of growing up,” he emphasized.

He also expressed that he was already employed and earning sufficient income to support a family before making the decision to marry.

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