
Chris Cuomo Hit with Sexual Misconduct Allegations.

Chris Cuomo recently sacked Cable Network News Sweetheart has been hit with sexual misconduct allegations by a junior colleague from another network

A representative of Cuomo in a chat with TMZ said the Chris was accused of sexual misconduct this week … this is as he was already on thin ice, had prompted his appointment termination at CNN.

See @reliablesources layout of Chris cuomo’s timelines before he was sacked on Saturday night

According to more findings, the woman who chose to remain anonymous decided to press forward with the sexual allegations charges after sniffing the hypocritical on-air word of the news host, and was utterly disgusted at Chris cuomo’s antics in discrediting the women involved.

Steven Goldberg, a spokesperson for Chris, denied the allegations made against his client on Sunday in a statement obtained by PEOPLE.

“To the extent that they were sent to CNN to negate what Chris Cuomo told his audience, he fully stands by his on-air statements about his connection to these issues, both professionally and in a profoundly personal way. If the goal in making these false and unvetted accusations was to see Mr. Cuomo punished by CNN, that may explain his unwarranted termination,” Goldberg said

It is yet unclear as to what the alleged sexual misconduct allegation are.

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