High profile Influencers in Nigerian are reportedly being paid to let Arab male billionaires in the UAE to use camel or human poo on them, a new report has claimed.
According to report , the influencers are given free flights to Dubai and an all expense paid exclusive treatment and in exchange they are made to endure all manner of dehumanizing and morally downgrading activities, like being urinated on or made to consume human or camel poo orally.
A social media user claimed a friend of theirs had been without explanation invited to a “Porta Potty” party at a secret and isolated mansion while she was in the UAE and subjected to do all kinds of horrific things in exchange for 50k.
They claimed:
“The whole place was totally deserted except for buckets and sex toys. “The men came in and the girls were instructed to strip. She said she watched in horror as a German man walked over to a bucket and took a s*** before he hand-fed it to a girl.
“I’m just gonna list of all the things she said she did and or witnessed: “One girl had the contents of the bucket stuffed up her.
“She ate a solid piece of s***.”Girls had to slide across the floor on their stomachs, licking up s***.
“There were human centipede actions. “They went on to claim that their friend was paid 50k for her trouble, however she still leaves with the trauma.
They continued: “She went home and took a work leave [sabbatical] as well as intense therapy because the sight of anything brown and creamy triggered her.”