
NIN-SIM Verification Deadline Extended till End of Year 2021.

NIN-SIM Verification Exercise Deadline has been Extended till End of Year 2021 has learned.

Prof. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami the Honourable Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, who conveyed the message of approval of the FG to extend the deadline for the (NIN)- (SIM) data verification, said the decision to push forward the deadline was made in response to appeals by the Mobile Network Operators and some major industry stakeholders, who asked for intervention as regards the extension to enanle better compliance with directive of the FG and thus avoid widening the digital division.

The extension is also expected to provide an enabling environment for the registration of citizens in village areas, diaspora, schools, hospitals, worship centres, as well as foreigners( on diplomatic missions ), Including those in areas that were totally unreachable, and increase enrolments in countries with a significant number of Nigerians.

The re-examination of the progress of the exercise thus far indicated that over 66 million unique (NIN) have been issued out – . Although , an important part of the population is yet to be registered into the National Identity Database (NIDB), and this may be due to some challenges which the Federal Government has peeked into and has made conscious efforts to alleviate, hence the need to extend the deadline.

Citizens and legal residents of the country are implored to endeavour to complete the process before the end of the year 2021.

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