For the first time in 45 years, Joanne Sterling from Manson, Washington, has put her husband Jim in charge of making the bed. And he’s doing a really good job.

However, no matter how hard Jim is trying, he can’t seem to figure out what to do with the extra pillows. Amused by his struggles, Joanne started taking daily photographs of his attempts and uploading them to Facebook.

The pics immediately went viral, and many can’t wait to see what Jim’s next arrangement is gonna be.
see photos-

“Jim was put in charge of making the bed because I have always taken care of everything in the house while he was working. Now that we are retired, it’s time for him to pull his own weight around here!” Joanne said

At first, Jim warmed up by making just his side but Joanne eventually decided to ask her husband if he could take care of the whole thing. “He did and started playing with the pillow arrangements to make me laugh,” the woman explained the origins of the series. “I hope it lasts for a while but I don’t know how creative he can get.”

“I can’t believe people are so amused by this,” Joanne added. “We try to make our relationship last by making each other laugh. I’m so glad people have been able to relate during this difficult time.”