BLUE UPDATE Health & Food

AY4.2 Delta Strain – What You Need to Know.

The new AY4.2 delta strain is the latest from the Covid-19 delta variant descendant, and has been linked to the recent number of growing cases across the globe. Of all the known variant of SARS-CoV-2 , The Delta variant remains the supreme strain in some countries [ e.g. the United Kingdom ]. Research has revealed that about 6% of new findings are centered on the new variant AY4.2.

Below are some handy Informations about the AY4.2 variant.

  • The Strain is deadly and under strict surveillance
  • There are no known evidence it spreads more rapidly
  • The Viral Infection is fairly at Low Frequency
  • Demographic processes causes it to spread
  • It is a sub lineage of the known delta variants
  • It was first identified in July 2021
The new  AY4.2 delta strain is the latest from the delta variant descendant, and  has been linked to the recent number of growing cases across the globe.
  • AY4.2 carries two characteristic mutations [ Y145H & A222V]
  • AY4.2 is not comparable to the emergence of Alpha and Delta which were at least 50 per cent more transmissible
  • The A222V mutation was found in the B.1.177 lineage that swept Europe in the summer of 2020.
  • AY4.2 is rare outside the UK and there have been only 3 cases detected in the US , and 5 in Isreal.

NOTE ; there is no evidence pointing that the sub lineage AY4.2 has any impact on the effectiveness of all current COVID19 vaccines or therapeutics.

Do not forget to adhere strictly to the COVID-19 provided rules and follow all laid down protocols .

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