Bitterleaf like other known green veggies is of great importance and highly medicinal in very many ways. This wonder green plant consist of leaves, extracts ( juice ) , stems, & bark. Vitamins Found in Bitterleaf: a plant with so much medicinal, culinary and curative value, must definitely contain great composition of vitamins. They are – vitamins A, E, B1, B2, C.
Popular tribal names for bitterleaf are
1. Igbo – onugbu
2. Hausa – shiwaka
3. Yoruba – Ewuro
The leaf like it’s name implies, is bitter, but it’s numerous benefits is sweet. Let’s take a peek into the world of bitterleaf
Bitter Leaf Juice Benefit.
Remedy for Abdominal Issues ; abdominal issues such as diarrhea, dysentery etc, can be remedied by drinking at least 2 glasses of the juice, to bring relief. For those with stomach upset due to work, the juice is taken as a worm expeller.
Fertility Enhancement; chemical compounds in bitterleaf such as edotides, help women with fertility issue . Edotides is known to promote the balance of genital hormones in the body, and also boost the overall immunity of the body systems to fight against toxicity, thus leading to fertility.
The quantity consumed should be moderate, as high intake can lead to miscarriage.
Blood Sugar & High Blood Pressure ; Health personnel’s , advice diabetic and hypertensive patients to consume bitter Leaf whether in meals or juice form dude to its high potassium content.
It also prevent sodium constituents in the body from skyrocketing in the blood stream by flushing out the accumulation of salt.
Weight Reduction; Daily or weekly doses of bitterleaf juice helps to reduce weight. This is achieved by eliminating bad fat and cholesterol caused by intake of excess calories. It also speed up the metabolism of the body.
Cancer Risk Reduction ; since bitterleaf juice is known to boost immune system, it can also limit the growth of tumor and reduce to a considerable extent the development of cancer causing cells.
Relieve For Fever ; the bitterleaf juice is a well known medicinal relief for feverish conditions. Freshly squeezed juice from the Wonder plant should be administered thrice daily until fever disappears.
Skin Ailments ; Skin problems such as ringworm, eczema, rashes etc can be savaged by squeezing and applying bitterleaf juice to the problematic sites ( closed wounds ) Results are often noticed in few days.
Prolapse Rectum : this is also know as pile in layman’s term. Bitter Leaf Juice can soothe and sometimes provide cure for it. Traditional healers use it alongside other green plants .
Lactation ; bitterleaf juice also helps to increase the flow of breast milk production in nursing mothers.
Uterus Contraction ; local women administer bitterleaf juice to women who recently put to bed to aid uterus Contraction after childbirth.

Two Simple ways to Extract Bitterleaf juice
Old traditions have revealed that bitter Leaf Juice extract is best consumed when it’s freshly squeezed from the leave.
1. Use of Blender ; blend the leave with the addition of a little water ,and then filter out juice using a sieve with tight mesh.
2 Wash your hands properly, wash the leaves, put leave in a clean bowl, add a little water, then gently rub leaves in between your plam to squeeze out juice.
Energizer ; taking a cup of bitterleaf juice a day energizes you. Although it’s taste isn’t so welcoming, It’s a great way to begin your day even before meal.