Busy Boyfriend’s can drive you crazy most especially when you crave for their attention, and they barely notice or address your needs.
In a world where we strive to get to know one another on a personal and intimate level, the concept of dating can be hard when its long distance, and when one party is having a round the clock busy schedule (some people have more on their plate than others).

If you have ever dated a busy guy, you will know that there are obstacles. They often ;
- Make you wait for a response from them
- Have little time to devote to you
- Are not ready for comittment

Your date must have shown you he wants you to be a part of his life, he must have proven to you the sincerity of his feelings, but the overwhelming need to excel in his career /interest, success /prosperity keeps him occupied.
Most relationship with busy people (men /women /boy /girl) don’t last because either of the other party feels neglected, this often makes “together time ” to be used for arguing & sulking.
- Stand out
- Communicate
- Be flexible
- Be honest with your need
- Respect his schedule
- Be full of suprises
- Have a life of your own
STAND OUT ; Work and school aren’t the only aspect of life keeping guys busy. sometimes they get busy for all the wrong reason ( side chick, booty call,) despite having that special one, or person of interest. Just make yourself Stand out amongst the options he has. How to Stand out ;
- Personality uniqueness, wit & ambition
- Create genuine emotional connection as you bond
- Be direct but subtle in your communication.
COMMUNICATE ; communicating while you are apart is one of the keys to a solid relationship. Thanks to social media, the act of communication is achieved in different platforms such as ; skype, instagram chat, twitter, facebook etc phone calls, text messages, and love letters are not left out. The essence of communication is to keep the excitement alive despite been busy.
BE FLEXIBLE ; This deals more on how open you are to changes and compromise. Decisions taken must be two sided, you must be open to include their opinion in life.
BE HONEST WITH YOUR NEED ; your boyfriend is busy, Most times, he might not get a glimpse of the “need you” signal you try to give. Be honest with yourself, and tell him what you want.
RESPECT HIS SCHEDULE ; Acting ignorant to the fact that your boyfriend is busy is not helpful. Do not distract him from important schedule, Be understanding when he cannot come home, see you, or go to that party or thanksgiving with you.
BE FULL OF SUPRISES ; yea! Be freaky, be naughty. Pulling a sexy move on your boyfriend can be difficult , but once its done, its exciting, and will keep your love on his mind.
HAVE A LIFE OF YOUR OWN ; often times, we lose our sense of self and independence when we get into a relationship. When dating a busy guy, its important you have a scheduled life of your own. Do not give off clingy vibes, they are easily picked up. Play it cool.
Out of the abundance of his heart he reaches out to you, without you reminding him to do so,

- Let him know how much you appreciate the little attention (calls, text messages, and those thoughtful things he does ) from him.
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