Erykah Badu American Singer and songwriter has revealed that despite having 3 kids for three different men, she still finds time to live her life to the fullest
According to Erykah , sometimes she gets a hard time for having three kids by three different man…but she says even though she didn’t plan it that way, she’s not going to let it stop her from living her best life.
“No one would expect to have three baby daddies. Who plans that?” she said on The Breakfast Club. “But when those things start to happen, you don’t stop living. You continue to grow, and live and learn and make the best out of those situations and things. Who would wanna do that? In this judgmental society.”

She continued: “Love is a chemical thing. We fall in love. I think God make us fall in love just long enough to get pregnant so that we could go ahead and procreate keep the race going and that dies down and then everything else is on you. Depending on your culture, next step is marriage or the next step is another mate. In our culture, our next step is supposed to be marriage and it doesn’t fit everybody. That doesn’t fit me.”
Badu has a child with Andre 3000, another with rapper D.O.C.and her youngest child is the