
Facebook User reveals most Women marry for Settlement & not Love

Ejike Eke, a Facebook user, brings to light the idea that many women don’t marry out of love, instead they settle for financial and social security. This has incited discussion among other users, who add that the reverse also holds as many men marry for progeny, not love.

A facebook user Ejike Eke, has revealed to his gender that most of their wives didn’t marry them from a place of love.

He wrote;

Dear kings, the truth is most of your wives only settled for you, they didn’t marry you from a place of love but of settlement, they needed financial and social security. Since the kind of men they wanted weren’t coming for them or serious about them they decided to settle for you. Next time watch out for a woman that wants to get married and not the one that wants to settle down.

Meanwhile, some social media elites who frowned at the post, also noted that its vice versa as most men also marry wen for the sake of child bearing and not real l

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