Jada Pinkett in her new book, revealed how she felt helpless – and thus resorted to supernatural forces, including Voo doo – to try and fix her life and balance her family.
Jada explained that despite having a rich, handsome and loving partner & having happy, healthy & smart children – she felt that she wanted more out of life. So after searching for meaning elsewhere, she finally succumbed to the supernatural for assistance.

In one part of the excerpt, Jada admits to traveling to Ojai, California in search of a “medicine woman” whom she reportedly visited after a brief conversation over the phone to help bring balance to her life and her family.
But that’s not the only form of “magic” that Jada used to help get her life and family in sync. Jada also admits to traveling all the way to Cuba, and visited a Padrino for help.
Padrino : a spiritual godfather in the religion of Santeria. Santeria is an offshoot of voo doo, which originated in West Africa and was brought to the Caribbean region by slaves.
Jada went all out to explain all that transpired in her various visits to the supernatural homes.