
Kevin Gates reveal women who have history with Acne are the best in Bed.

Kevin Gates American rapper and singer has disclosed that women who have standing history with acne are the best in bed.

While speaking on the Breakfast Club the entrepreneur who recently made a shocking revelation about having sexual relations with his cousin, said ;

“I haven’t met my match, but I met somebody that’s really close. And the reason I say she really really close — oh God, don’t kill me — she got acne in her face,”

He continued: “I know this gon’ sound crazy. A lot of women with acne in they face got good p-ssy. ‘Cause they hormones are so imbalanced, that it cause them to have congestion. So they not releasing properly. See, once I really put it on her, her face start clearing up,” he continued.

“I’m not saying all women with acne got … but a lot of the things that go on with us are really internally. I’m not just saying it for that, but she up there. She in my top three,’ he added.

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