Nwanyi mbano a Female Tiktok User in one of her videos has advised Women who are dating Men with Big Penis [ Naturally well endowed ].
The TikTok user in her online content addressed women who have the habit of visiting men who they’ve been talking to for some time, said they should learn to tell the men they have to immediately take their leave or risk having a medical emergency if sexual relations should occur.
She further stated that after they must have left, they should call the man and tell him they can only “let him lay his British pipeline” in them if he marries them.
Nwanyimbano also claimed that women who fail to take caution and go with the flow, will have the man spoil things for them as they won’t be satisfied with other men who have small penises. She added that actions of men with lesser tools will amount to that of a toothpick with less effect.
She also advised the women to be considerate in and with their actions, as she pricked their conscience by asking them if they know ” what would become of their future husbands who may not be well-endowed” ? while hinting that ” they may resort to piling on complaints/reservations”.