
Raymond Nduga says Money & Good sex is the Reason his wife can’t divorce him despite the constant battering.

Raymond Nduga, the Kenyan lawyer who was caught on video viciously slapping his ‘wife’ says she will not leave him because he is Rich and also good in bed.

The dreadlocked lawyer is shown in the video as shown below having a short verbal altercation with Dorris Everlyne Tado, who is seated opposite him before repeatedly slapping her as she offers no resistance. 

Video ;

Several sources have alleged the couple has a toxic relationship and the lady has been beaten to a pulp on several occasions but keeps returning to her narcissistic husband.

One Don Pappi shared a screenshot of Raymond’s post telling online in-laws that their opinions don’t count as his wife would not leave him because he has money and fucks well.

The viral video was shared by Human Rights enthusiast Alvin Ang’ienda

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