
Ugezu J. Ugezu reveals the Most heartbreaking Thing a Parent can do to a Child.

Ugezu J. Ugezu Veteran Nigerian Filmmaker, is of the opinion that the most heart wrenching thing a parent can do to a child is to rudely deny the child a chance to partake in the decisions making with regards to his or her future. According to Ugezu, Children deserve the right to fully partake in […]


Ugezu .J. Ugezu Curious on how people become Relationship Experts.

Ugezu .J. Ugezu Nollywood Veteran actor has expressed curiosity by questioning how people become “relationship experts” in Nigeria.  He asked if those “experts” pass an exam to be considered experts or if they assign the role to themselves. His question comes as more people claim to be “life coaches” and “relationship experts” on social media.