
VeryDarkMan Leaks Private Chat with Sponsor “Tunde Ednut”.

Verydarkman releases private talk with his pal and sponsor Tunde Ednut, who exhorts him against looking for a statement of regret in the interest of Obi Cubana.

The lobbyist provoked a reaction after freely reprimanding billionaire business tycoon Obi Cubana.

Not long after Verydarkman’s occurrence with famous entertainer Iyabo Ojo, Obi Cubana reprimanded bloggers against advancing more youthful individuals who were inconsiderate to their elderly folks.

This enraged oneself announced extremist, who went after Obi Cubana, asserting that he is of no utilization to the young in the general public.

Tunde Ednut, a dear companion of the two players, requested that Verydarkman erase the post so harmony could rule.

Verydarkman rejected, uncovering that he preferably d1e over erase it or apologize for his assertions.

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