Blueface’s brother has angrily humiliated their mother Karlissa Saffold online .
“Talk about letting a my girl beat you,” he wrote on Instagram Story. “You let two different husband out they hands on because of you. Went to prison cause you think being a mom is done by the world. You never taught me sh-t [except] how to eat p-ssy one time which was weird af. I learned everything I ever [knew] on my own,” Karlissa’s son’s blasting continued.

Kalissa who has a habit of trashing her son on the internet even compared her boyfriend’s penis size to that of her sons.

“I forgot you exist most of my life. I had to catch the bus home from games, sit outside, catch a ride home with the janitor, getting good grades, and I’m two different sports teams. All [you] can say is you let me drive a car when I got my [license]. Sh-t you had three of them and it was only so you didn’t have to take nobody to school.”