
Tania Omotayo Opens up on her Painful Battle with Endometriosis.

Tania Omotayo fashion entrepreneur, has opened up on her painful battle with health condition Endometriosis.

For those who do not know, Endometriosis for those who do not know is a constantly painful disorder in which clone tissue resembling the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus – the endometrium grows outside the uterus. The health condition most commonly involves the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining your pelvis.

In an interview with Chude Jideonwo, Tania Omotayo revealed how white doctors who were giving treatment to her thought she was crazy when she would roll on the floor, screaming because of the pain.

She also disclosed how one of the doctors told her father that she was only seeking for attention as there was nothing medically wrong with her.

Tania that her battle with Endometriosis made her have heavy periods as she would bleed for 3 to 4 weeks.

“Have you watched Africa Magic movies when somebody dies and they’re rolling on the floor? That was me in the hospital. Yeah, with white doctors looking at me like I was crazy. I was screaming, I was rolling, because I knew deep down, in the last 3 years, maybe 10yeara before that. When I tell you I’ve been to every doctor, every hospital worldwide, in every continent. My dad and I went to Austria. They told him it was in my head and I was looking for attention that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me.

I was in pain. I had really heavy periods. I would bleed for like 3weeks to 4weeks. I was in so much pain, I had to go to the hospital to get an injection for pain or sleep. I was constantly admitted in the hospital and the doctor actually told my dad to my face, in front of me, not like he said it behind my back, “She’s just a young girl looking for attention, there’s nothing medically wrong with her”.

Tania Omotayo first recounted on how she battled endometriois before she got pregnant with her daughter. She revealed her pregnancy was a scary one and she had so much anxiety because she did not know what to expect.

She further added that her health condition is part of the reason why she did not flaunt her pregnancy publicly. According to her she was uncertain as to whether the baby would survive or not and thus would not be able to handle the pain publicly if she didn’t.

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