Sex & Relationship

Smart condoms, Safe sex

Smart Condoms are protective coverings that are worn on sexual organs (penis and vagina) before intercourse(sex).

In a world where technology has taken over, and everything man –made now has the hashtag “smart“, it’s with great pleasure that I introduce to you  I.Con (smart condom).

Smart condoms, Safe sex

         I.CON: What is it?

The  “I.con” is a ring that fits over a conventional condom at the base,and can be re-used repeatedly. It’s extremely comfortable,water resistant,and light weight. It can be paired with other condoms of choice.


It utilizes a nano-chip and  sensor which allows it to measure and remember the number of the different variables during each session.When session is complete, the i-con app, is used to download the recent data which is then paired to the I -con device via Bluetooth technology. After which memory is cleared automatically in queue for a fresh session.

Moreso,the I-con has a USB port that enables it to be charged. Charging could last for an hour ,  and usage time from 68hours.


The part we have all been waiting for. The importance of I.con are as follows

  1. Helps the user to know the different Positions engaged in during sex.
  2. The average skin temperature
  3. Total number of thrust 
  4. The average velocity of thrust
  5. Total calories burnt during sex.

Wow!!!! Thanks to the manufacturers, the world now has a SMART condom,for SMART and SAFE sex.

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